Lakeshore Legal Aid Southfield MI | Legal Services & Assistance

The Essential Guide to Lakeshore Legal Aid in Southfield, MI

When it comes to legal aid and support in Southfield, MI, Lakeshore Legal Aid is the leading organization providing crucial services to those in need. Their dedication to helping individuals access justice and navigate the legal system is truly admirable.

What is Lakeshore Legal Aid?

Lakeshore Legal Aid is a non-profit organization that offers free legal services to low-income individuals and seniors in Southfield, MI. Committed providing access justice who may otherwise able afford representation.

Services Offered

Lakeshore Legal Aid offers a wide range of services to the community, including:

Service Description
Family Law Assistance with divorce, custody, and child support cases.
Housing Law Help for tenants facing eviction or unsafe living conditions.
Consumer Law Support for individuals dealing with debt and financial issues.
Public Benefits Assistance with obtaining government aid and benefits.
Elder Law Legal help for seniors on issues such as health care and estate planning.

Impact and Success Stories

Lakeshore Legal Aid has had a profound impact on the Southfield community. Dedication helping need resulted numerous stories, such as:

  • single mother who able secure support custody thanks Lakeshore Legal Aid`s assistance.
  • An elderly couple who facing eviction received support stay their home.
  • A low-income individual who able access benefits after help Lakeshore Legal Aid.

Get Involved

If you are looking to support Lakeshore Legal Aid`s mission, there are several ways to get involved, including:

  • Donating organization help their services.
  • Volunteering time legal assist those need.
  • Raising about Lakeshore Legal Aid important they in community.

Overall, Lakeshore Legal Aid in Southfield, MI, plays a vital role in providing access to justice for those in need. Dedication impact truly commendable, their make real difference lives individuals families community.


Lakeshore Legal Aid Contract

Welcome Lakeshore Legal Aid, Southfield MI. Committed providing aid assistance those need. Below is the legal contract outlining the terms and conditions of our services.

Contract No: LLA2022001
Parties: Lakeshore Legal Aid, Southfield MI and Client
Effective Date: MM/DD/YYYY
Term: Indefinite, subject to termination as per the terms herein
Scope Services: Lakeshore Legal Aid shall provide legal assistance and representation to Client in matters pertaining to Family Law, Employment Law, Housing Law, and Public Benefits.
Client Obligations: Client provide necessary information required provision services. Client shall also cooperate and communicate effectively with Lakeshore Legal Aid.
Compensation: Services provided by Lakeshore Legal Aid are offered pro bono. Client responsible any fees, unless agreed upon writing.
Termination: This contract may be terminated by either party with written notice. Lakeshore Legal Aid reserves the right to terminate the contract if Client fails to fulfill obligations.
Governing Law: This contract governed laws State Michigan.


Top 10 Legal Questions About Lakeshore Legal Aid Southfield, MI

Question Answer
1. Can Lakeshore Legal Aid help me with my landlord-tenant issues? Yes! Lakeshore Legal Aid provides free legal assistance to low-income individuals facing landlord-tenant issues. Experienced attorneys help understand rights navigate process.
2. What types of cases does Lakeshore Legal Aid handle? Lakeshore Legal Aid handles a wide range of civil legal matters, including housing, consumer rights, family law, public benefits, and more. Dedicated team committed access justice all.
3. How do I qualify for legal assistance from Lakeshore Legal Aid? To qualify for Lakeshore Legal Aid`s services, you must meet certain income and asset guidelines. Their staff will assess your eligibility and provide assistance based on your individual circumstances.
4. Can Lakeshore Legal Aid help with expunging criminal records? Yes, Lakeshore Legal Aid offers assistance with expungement of criminal records for eligible individuals. Clearing your record can open up new opportunities for employment and housing.
5. Is Lakeshore Legal Aid available for immigration-related legal matters? Lakeshore Legal Aid does not handle immigration cases. However, they can provide referrals to other organizations and resources that specialize in immigration law.
6. Does Lakeshore Legal Aid provide representation in court? Yes, Lakeshore Legal Aid`s attorneys provide representation for eligible clients in court proceedings. They will advocate for your rights and work towards a fair resolution of your legal issues.
7. How can I get in touch with Lakeshore Legal Aid for assistance? You can contact Lakeshore Legal Aid`s Southfield office by phone or through their website to request legal assistance. Friendly staff ready help get support need.
8. Is Lakeshore Legal Aid a non-profit organization? Yes, Lakeshore Legal Aid is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing free legal services to those in need. Their mission is to ensure equal access to justice for all members of the community.
9. What should I bring to my appointment with Lakeshore Legal Aid? Be sure to bring any relevant documents, such as lease agreements, court papers, or other paperwork related to your legal issue. This will help Lakeshore Legal Aid`s attorneys understand your case and provide effective assistance.
10. How can I support Lakeshore Legal Aid`s work? You can support Lakeshore Legal Aid`s mission by volunteering your time, making a donation, or spreading the word about their valuable services. Support make meaningful difference lives those need.